How do I unsubscribe?

We’re sad to see you go. Feel free to let us know the reason and how we can improve the game by sending us an email either through the game.

When you cancel your subscription if there’s any period left to be used it won’t be deactivated. Now, once the current period expires, you won’t be charged anymore and will lose access to all the Packs area.

To unsubscribe, please follow the below steps.

For Android users

  1. Go to subscriptions in Google Play.
  2. Select the subscription you want to cancel.
  3. Tap Cancel subscription.
  4. Follow the instructions.

    For more information, click here and access Google Play Help.

For iOS users

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap your name and then access Subscriptions.
  3. Select CodyCross, tap Cancel Subscription, and follow the instructions.

Please note that deleting CodyCross from your device will not cancel your subscription. Also, you'll be charged for the following period unless you cancel the current one within 24 hours prior to its end.

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