How to play

Step into the world of crossword puzzles where timeless tradition meets cutting-edge technology. Our app offers you the classic crossword experience in a new and digital format. Here's how it works:

  1. Choose Your Level: Start by selecting a level from the numbered pins on the world map.
  2. Fill in the Blanks: Just like in traditional crosswords, your task is to fill in the empty spaces with the correct letters based on the provided clues. Bold letters are set in stone, while translucent ones are yours to edit as you see fit.
  3. Need Help? Use a power-up: If a clue has you stumped, no worries! Our digital twist includes helpful features. You can use a little helper to reveal a letter, a few letters, an anagram to guide you or even the whole word!
  4. Still in need of Help? Ask Us!: If you have any questions or need assistance, we're here to help. Click on "Settings," then "Help," and select "Contact." Alternatively, you can join our vibrant community on Facebook for more tips and support or contact us directly at

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